Web Automation Testing with Selenium Tool

Automation Testing Service

· Test Automation


Selenium is a well-known testing framework for test engineers for severalreasons. It allows the user to use multiple languages like python, C#, and javato make Selenium Test Scripts, in return it verifies the web applications on different browsers and operating systems. Here are the tools that support selenium as the top automation tool. 

· Selenium Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE): 

To acquire the concepts of automated testing and Selenium that include; Selenese commands such as type, open, clickAndWait,assert, verify, etc. There are some locators as well like id, name, xpath, cssselector, etc. For execution of customized JavaScript code, it practices on run Script and exporting test cases in many formats. IDE creates tests with little or no former knowledge in programming. Or to create easy test cases and test suites that you can transfer later to RC or WebDriver as a web applicationcontrary to Firefox and Chrome only.   

· Selenium Remote Control (RC): 

To design a test it isimportant to use more easy-to-read language than Selenese. A test that runagainst diverse browsers (except HtmlUnit) on diverse operating systems and also deploys tests across multiple atmospheres using Selenium Grid. You must check your application that supports JavaScript with complex AJAX-based scenarios.   

· WebDriver: 

Use a certainprogramming language while designing your test case and applications that arerich in AJAX-based functionalities. Execution of tests must be on HtmlUnit browser so that customized test results are generated.   

· Selenium Grid:

Selenium RC scripts run in multiple browsers and operating systems instantaneously andcomplete in the soonest time.   

Selenium, an open-source automation tool, bid an Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) and plug-in that combines the tool with required Webbrowser-based test features. Using Selenium IDE to run easy-to-use records and show the features, also giving some of the no programming proficiency, and ability to make simple scripts. 

oncea product arrives at constant manual testing phase, every organizationgenerally thinks of automated testing to save the costs that intricate in manual testing. Meanwhile, the testing cost is a vital feature for any project. However, organizations have started choosing open-source (which have reached a step where they now opposing the commercial ones) rather than investing in expensive commercial testing tools. Through no licensing costs, open-source automation testing tools deliver an inexpensive feature for automating the testing of software applications and Web portals. 

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Features of Selenium 

• It is an open-source that create an exact task, in which the source code isopenly published for use and alteration from its unique design to free of charge. 

• It is web-based automated testing. 

• Quick feedback to developers. 

• It has multiple OS, browsers, programming languages, and frameworks. 

• Support for Agile and risky development practices. 

• Well-organized documentation of test cases. 

• Modified defect reporting. 

• Discovering defects missed by manual testing. 

What is Selenium Automation Testing? 

Selenium Automation Testing is the method of writing test scripts to mimic the nature ofa website or web app, that can run on an authentic browser. Selenium makes a website or web-app testing modest. 

Advantages of Selenium Automation Testing 

Cost-efficient: - Subsequently it’s an open-source tool, this turns out tobe a huge advantage. As it is accessible to everyone, the user can easilydownload it and save the extra cost. The open-source feature lets users tailor-make the codes for improved management.  

Language support: - Many languages are supported by Selenium. It is anotherfeature that stands out. The developer didn’t experts in the Selenium language, the Selenium can change languages into codes and the user can starts with Selenium automation testing without upsetting about the languages.  

Support multiple browsers: - Selenium supports many browsers like Firefox,internet explorer, chrome, safari, it saves time for the developer fromrewriting the codes and supports instantaneous testing in different browsers.  

Stretchy with several operating systems: - With multiple browsers, selenium supports several operating systems like Windows, Mac, and UNIX. This deliversthe liberty to modify the collection in one system and run in another. 

Numerous testing across different devices: Automation testing is performed formobile devices, therefore simplifying developers to address the problem withoutdelay in addition to implement the desired outcomes. 


Hopefully, this Selenium Automation Testing blog has somehow helped you to get insights into Selenium and its workings.  

Theframework is ‘out-of-the-box the best in features for test automation alongwith rich custom reporting, third-party integrations, configurable performance options, etc. The framework support configures/ create test suites by joining numerous automated tests and making those test suites accessible for execution. 

Itdemonstrates the company’s greatest practices and features that can drasticallyreduce the struggle to kick-start automation. A good test automation company has a dedicated team and tools like Selenium, HP UFT, Coded UI, TestComplete, Ranorex, Appium, etc to support test automation with a scripting language so that you can accomplish your desired needs with a company that holds everything.  

One benefit of using Selenium is the bunch of tools that are used is highly flexible, acknowledging different options for placing UI elements and relating expected test results in contradiction of real application behaviour. Another thing is that Selenium grants support for executing tests on different browser platforms.